About Our Curriculum
Holy Angels Academy provides a challenging curriculum that is rooted in the classical approach. An appreciation for what is true, good, beautiful and noble permeates studies at all grade levels.

A Classical Approach
The basics of reading, writing and arithmetic are at the core of the elementary program. Phonics is a vital component in the development of reading skills. Latin is introduced in the second grade. An emphasis on correct English grammar is essential in the development of strong writing and speaking skills. Diagramming of sentences aids this development. Memorization of math facts gives the student the necessary foundation upon which to build.
The high school grades provide a strong liberal arts education in preparation for college. The grammar foundation and the logic for sound reasoning are built upon with rhetorical skills necessary to articulate one’s thoughts. Latin, the root of the romance languages, is normally a requirement. An in-depth study of the contributions of Western Civilization and of our beloved country is at the core of history lessons. The sciences are presented with the premise that God has created an orderly world and that man’s obligation with experimentation and discovery is to always respect the plan of the Creator.
Textbook selection at all grade levels is governed by a test of compatibility with the mission and philosophy of Holy Angels. Scrutiny is exercised to ensure that material is presented in an objective manner and to avoid the adoption of texts which promote a particular political agenda or are deficient in providing content significant for the subject at hand. Where advantageous older texts which are out of print but are the best choice for compatibility are retained and respected as an important contribution.
In summation, the academic methodology and content are grounded in a classical approach which forms the mind to think in the pursuit of truth. The latest in educational thought which is in harmony with the Academy’s educational philosophy is given serious consideration. It has been said that at Holy Angels “the best of the old meets the best of the new.”
Character Formation
In the development of the human person sound character is formed in young people when they are expected to behave according to standards established for their own good. Faithful adherence to a set of standards fosters the virtues of obedience and humility. Further, the exercise of discipline in one’s youth leads in no small way to self-discipline in adulthood.
At Holy Angels Academy we believe that a prerequisite to a good education is an ordered learning environment. The best discipline has its basis in the love of God, observance of the Ten Commandments, and high moral standards. Time honored Christian values, not contemporary permissiveness, are the basis of the rules of conduct. In their speech and in their actions students are to respect their elders and all those who have been placed by God in authority over them.
It is our wish at Holy Angels that girls and boys behave in a manner that is becoming of ladies and gentlemen and pleasing to God. Regulations which are established to govern the behavior of students should not be viewed as burdens but as a way to free one to act as one ought. Further, when expectations are fostered in a joyful environment, virtue becomes much more attainable for our youth.
“The best thing about Holy Angels Academy is the Catholic faith.”
– Daniel, Freshman
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